Paros ist einer der top-Reiseziele weltweit fuer Liebhaber des Wassersports, insbesondere der Wind-und Kitesurfen. Die idealen Wetterbedingungen auf der Insel, vor allem der noerdliche Wind als „meltemia“ bekannt, haben die Insel von Paros zur Attraktion fuer Griechen und auslaendische Sportler, sowie fuer alle leidenschaftlichen Unterstuetzer der beiden Sportarten gemacht.

Mit vielen Weltmeisterschaften der Wind- und Kitesurfen in der modernen Sportgeschichte der Insel und deren internationalen Transmission, ist Paros zu einer Institution dieser Sportart geworden. Die bekanntesten Straende, ideal fuer Windsurfen und Kitesurfen in Paros, sind folgende: Chrissi Akti, Nea Chrissi Akti (Tserdakia), Tsoukalia, Santa Maria und Punda. In den meisten gibt es moderne Ausbildungsstätten fuer Anfaenger und die Moeglichkeit Ausruestung zu mieten.


Force7 windsurfing

Force7 windsurf station since 1978, is the result of the many years of experience in windsurfing and safety, combined with the excellent quality of the equipment offered.

Golden Beach, has the ideal environment and our team provides the perfect atmosphere, in which you can learn or improve your windsurfing skills.

Golden Beach,
84 400 Paros, Greece
tel.: +30 22840 42189

Golden Beach Surf club

Golden Beach is a famous windsurfing spot and our club is located on the right side of this long beautiful beach, offering equipment for rent and also experienced staff for private or group lessons. Our spot offers excellent conditions to all levels of windsurfers and our windsurfing station offers equipment for all levels. In order to make the first steps as easy as possible for a windsurf beginner, our instructors use very light-weight school rigs which help beginners to gain more control. You can pick and choose your equipment depending on the conditions, your progression through your stay, and even your mood!

Golden Beach Hotel,
Paros, Greece
tel.: +30 6981 027 660
       +30 22840 41366

Paros Surf Club

Paros Surf Club operates since 1984 and is the most highly equipped Surf club at New Golden Beach, (Tserdakia), the windiest spot of the island. We offer windsurfing boards and sails for rent, but also qualified lessons from the youngest to the oldest, from beginner to advance.

Kostas, the Station Manager and his team ensure the safety of the spot and help you improve your windsurfing skills. The team of Paros Surf Club is multilingual: we speak Greek, English, French and German. Other sea-sports, such as diving and also mountain bikes rental are available.

New Golden Beach
(Tserdakia), Paros
84400, Greece
Tel:  +30 22840 41778,
Fax: +30 22840 41978
Email: nikos@parosurf.com

Wind & Meer Wetter:

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